2 Part Carbonless Forms Printing
2 Part Carbonless Form are the smallest of the carbonless form stack that you can get. The mechanism is quite simple and the use is even better, it allows you to save on two forms or the hassle of photo copying the form after filled as there are two copies right as it is being filled. The initial white copy and the second carbonless form, that is usually the color yellow. Yellow is normally the best color for the 2 Part Carbonless Form as it is a lighter color that allows the duplication to be clear. The Imprint on the Carbonless paper made by Pumpkin printing is phenomenal without the use of extra pressure.






- Description
There are many different materials that can compromise the making of these forms, there are many different printing companies that make a very low quality carbonless paper by scamming you and bringing you in with extremely low pricing. The best way to deal with situations like these is by asking many questions about the material being used and the quality of printing. Good companies will be honest with you about limitations and will provide you with the reasoning behind why a certain product cannot be achieved in a certain way. This is why we at Pumpkin printing don’t make false promises, we provide you with the best quality there is and don’t beat around the bush when certain things need to be changed due to technicality.
Printing Quality
2 Part Carbonless Forms are not advertisements or anything, their printing is quite cut and dry, however, the printing of the form still requires a lot of communication as we need to know if the information that is required on the form is correct and if there are any changes the client would like to make in the final print. There are many honest mistakes that can bring out the funny in a form that is supposed to be about serious issues. Simply taking the example of spellings of different words, imagine a serious form spelling the word Name as “Naem:”, would that not be funny? Hence, we make sure to double check everything before it goes into print.
Size and Style
The size of the form can be chosen by you, according to the amount of information that needs to be provided via the forms, there are many different companies that require patient history or product history, such as medical clinics or insurance companies. These companies need a bigger forms due to the vast amount of information required by them. On the other hand, companies and shops that only need a small amount of information or are just processing a bill will require tiny forms.